Johnson & Johnson case study solution

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Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is considered to be the world’s most broadly based manufacturer of healthcare products with more than 190 operating companies selling products in more than 175 countries as of 2003. Despite its success in the industry, Johnson & Johnson’s attempt to use its company name on baby aspirin proved to be unsuccessful. Johnson & Johnson products are perceived as gentle, but gentleness is not what people want in a baby aspirin. Although baby aspirin should be safe, gentleness per se is not a desirable feature. Rather, some people perceived that a gentle aspirin may not be effective enough. So, what intuitively seemed to be a natural move but without proper marketing research turned out to be an incorrect decision.


1. What lessons do you learn from the case given above?                                                                                         

2. What tactics and strategies would you adopt to make baby aspirin successful?             

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